Monday 9 June 2014

Results Monday

Weight Loss and Fitness Plan Results at The Claire Diaries

Humph..........Last week wasn't the greatest week for results in terms of weight loss. In fact I seem to have put on 0.1kg - I'm not sure what that equates to in lbs I'll have to find out.
To say I was annoyed and fed up is an understatement! However I've got to move on and simply make this week better, that is a lot easier said than done.

On another note, yesterday I finally ran/walked the race for life!!!

Couch to 5K programme and Race for Life

It was hot and muggy and I didn't take any water round with me, but I actually loved every second of it! I ran more than I walked which was my aim for the day although getting going when there were so many people was quite difficult. 
Needless to say I will be running another one, In fact I'd quite like to do a 10k next April - BRING IT ON!!!!

UK Fitness Blog

My gorgeous Little Miss ran 90% of the way with my mum too!!!

UK weight Loss Blog and Fitness Plans

Was nice to have a little treat afterwards too !

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