On Wednesday night I went to our weekly Bake Off night! I ate far too much Oreo cake and washed it down with huge amounts of tea....it was FAB.
Anyway whilst there we obviously sat around chatting like old hens. There were 5 of us there this week plus little Miss.
Two of the girls are pregnant and one has a 10 week old baby. Naturally the conversation turned to birth stories and it got me thinking that not many people tell you really what happens in the first few hours and days with your newborn. We spent a good hour talking about our "first times" with our babies and imparting our wisdom on the two pregnant chicks so I thought I would share our wisdom with you too.
Yes the euphoria takes over and you're suddenly overwhelmed with a lot of visitors but what next??
1. Nappy Change....Happens Quickly & You Won't Be Prepared.
Yes the first nappy change can happen pretty quickly after birth. Its disgusting you are never prepared for it! How something so small can produce something so vile is beyond me? Anyway I can virtually guarantee you won't have everything immediatley to hand. You will then spend 10 mins deliberating how to get from the side of the bed to the cupboard without shit going everywhere!Top Tip sleep with nappies, wipes, spare babygrow under your pillow!
2. Getting to the Shops = Scary!!
You spend 3-4 days holed up in the house after the birth. You've had your fill of visitors cooing over the baby and decide you need to shift the cabin fever and take your new pram (obvs needs showing off it cost like £2987892748973498) to the shop.Suddenly what should be a 10 min walk takes 2 hours.
The baby needs feeding before you go then winding and changing. You set off to the shop changing bag ready under the pram and you realise you can't get anything else in the pram!
Heave forbid you should actually drive......try find a parking space big enough, assemble the pram and get baby out.......Yeah good luck there.....by 8 months you might have it figured out!
3. Unreasonable....You....Never??
You suddenly spend hours on end losing precious precious sleep over the most ridiculous deathly scenarios......I mean obviously an eagle will swoop through that slightly open window and steel your baby in the 30 seconds it takes to make a much needed cuppa!4. Not One Mother Knows What They Are Doing
Everyone starts off in the same boat! Sure you'll get visits from well meaning friends and relatives telling you how they did things and you "really" should do it their way!You want the truth? What works for them probably will NOT work for you!
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