For the past year or so - actually nearly two now (yey me!) I've been on a serious fitness kick!
Whilst I've loved every single minute of it, I've found that I'm now starting to get aches and pains. Not sure whether it's my age - being 30 is just so OLD! Or whether it's due to my lack of stretching.
I've been wanting to give Yoga a proper go for a long long time. This year has been a particularly hard year and I really need to find a new way to relax.
I've been to a couple of classes in the past but a really good yoga instructor seems to be the only thing my gym lacks. The yoga class is taught by an oldish instructor who doesn't seem to be able to do some of the stretches and just explains them.
Personally I'm not very good at being given instructions. I find them difficult to follow. I also like to know that my class instructor is sweating along with me :-)
About a month ago I decided to search the internet for some yoga tutorials. I know there are hundreds of apps that can help but I'm never sure which are the good ones so decided it was time for some research.
In doing so I can across the YouTube Channel of Yoga with Adrienne. On her channel is a 30 Days of Yoga Program which aims to introduce you to different Yoga stretches and to make Yoga practice a daily enjoyable habit.
I decided to do day one of the program just to see if it might be something I would enjoy? I'm pleased to say I loved it. The session lasted about half an hour which for my is the perfect amount of time as I can fit it around everything else I have going on.
I plan on giving the full 30 days a go. I'm not sure whether I'm going to do it back to back as a little challenge to myself - because I'm not already doing enough? (quit sugar anyone) or whether to just dip in and out when I feel like I could benefit from some deep stretching. Either way I'm hoping to report back with some of the benefits soon!
I'd love to hear whether you practice Yoga and how you feel you have benefited from it?
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