Wednesday, 18 March 2015

8 Ways to Give Your Life A Much Needed Spring Detox

become less stressed by UK lifestyle blogger The claire diaries

The last few weeks I have been feeling shocking! Tired, unmotivated, stressed, everything! I'm tucked up in bed at 8:30pm most nights I mean come on!

I was secretly hopeful that when March came around I would start feeling full of the joys of spring and shake these feelings. Needless to say it didn't so for the rest of the month I plan on following this list to shake my life up and bit and put me in a better mood!

1. Buy a Book - I'm not talking War and Peace or some sleazy self help guide (unless that's what you are into) I'm talking a trashy, can't put down girlie chick lit book. Take time to read everyday instead of being addicted to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest Etc. It's harder to compare yourself with characters in a book!

2. Shave Your Legs! - It's nearly shorts and dresses weather! That means you have a limited time to de-fuzz and moisturise before the better weather comes! I know it's a tedious task but we all feel better afterwards! Go buy some new products and get rid of that winter coat

3. Water, Water, Water - Ok I know I've gone on about this before but it really does help. Drinking water has loads of health benefits that I'm not going to bang on about, it also clears up your skin and lets be honest the more water you drink the more you find yourself moving around (read running to the bathroom)

4. Pamper Night! - Combine this with step 2 and you're onto a winner. Visit Lush, light some candles and chuck in all the bath products you can find! Put on some music and relax!

5. Stop Being Anxious - Trust me I know how difficult this one is! I've suffered from anxiety most of my adult life. I've found a great way to de-stress is to put on some music and try and distract myself for just 5-10 mins. Then I repeat this a few times a day. Whilst the anxiety doesn't completely go I find that for 5-10mins it doesn't seem as bad!

6. Get some exercise - You knew this was coming! As a huge fitness lover I was always going to add it! There's no such thing as a bad workout and no matter how long or hard you go you'll always feel better for having done something!

7. Lists Lists Lists - Write some lists! I'm not talking life plans here but simple everyday lists. You'll feel a lot more organised and in control when you have done it!

8. Money - No matter how much or how little you have sorting your finances will make life a little less stressful. Make a budget you know you will stick to and include treats that you know you can look forward to!

Pay day cocktails anyone?

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