Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Uk Lifestyle and fitness blog discussing exercise hunger


Never has a statement resonated with me more! I have no clue as to what is wrong with me at the minute but I can not stop eating! I'm hoping its due to my increase in weight training again?

Currently enjoying this at work!

UK Lifestyle Blog talking about coffee breaks

oooooh the glamour!
So much for clean eating and trying to be sugar free??

Might have to start that one again.

On another note I've decided to give up popcorn for lent! This is huuuge for me as I am totally addicted to the stuff!
Also going to make sure I stick to my training plan until Easter - I know not strictly giving up but I need to see some serious results before summer #summerbodiesaremadeinwinter!

Do you have any plans to give anything up for lent?

Friday, 13 February 2015

Catch Up and My new Training Programme

I can not believe how long it has been since I last posted!
I'm fairly sure I've started the last two posts off by saying that. A lot has been going on in my little world and unfortunately not all of it has been good!
It's been a tough month or so but I'm finally coming out of the other side and I am more that ready to get back into blogging again!

So I'm starting off with some exciting (well for me anyway) gym news.....

I have purchased, printed, but not yet started the Kayla Itsines Better Body Guide! I am so so so excited to start this program.
It's been a while since I followed a gym program - I've been preferring to head to classes and hit the gym in between but I need to seriously kick start my routine again and decided the better body guide was an affordable way forward!

UK Fitness and Lifestyle Blog

You only have to take a look around Instagram to see there is an amazing community already following the program check out #thekaylamovement #bbtg and having amazing results.

I can't wait to give it a proper go and of course I'll be sharing my results with you all!