I had all these plans to update my blog over the Christmas period and it just never really happened!
2015 for me is to be the year of the BLOG! I really want to make sure I keep up to date with blogging and have several plans in place to try and expand my blog.
So here is what to expect from The Claire Diaries is 2015!
This year I will be starting to do some more scheduled posts. I plan on posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the time being. I would love to post daily but at the minute that just isn't possible.
I've decided that for now my blog will focus mainly on lifestyle posts, this will obviously include some fashion, beauty and of course fitness but I've been finding that it's too limiting to only blog about one subject. I really want this blog to be a reflection of me and my life, loves, hates etc
With the above in mind I've also decided that I still want to carry on sharing my weight loss journey with you all. It's an important part of my life at the minute and I really love focusing on trying to lead a healthier life.
So that's about it. In addition to the usual new years resolutions.....Stop eating chocolate, stop drinking so much wine, be a better person!
What are your resolutions for the year?